2022-12-15 看了一部拍摄时间比我还大的、事件时间比我爷爷还年长的电影。 他们最终获得了真正的自由。 时间80分钟时真的体现了近现代战争的残酷,面对面互射,现代的战争不用见面,甚至不用看同一个时间的太阳,在感叹工业、科技发展的同时为什么要有战争,为什么不能安安稳稳的过好你自己的三万天,也许这又回到了马斯洛。 这个事件距离我们现在也就150年,很长么?我国很多知名的朝代都是最低2-3百年,现在科技有点发展的过快,造成地球不知还能承受多久,现在的人是看不到结果的,其实结果也无所谓,只要自己看得开一点,我们失去的已经够多了。
Donnie Brasco? “Forget about it.” Immersion in the microcosm of the mafia through the eyes of an undercover agent, who gradually becomes more integrated as he moves up the ladder. By showing an extended period of initiation & adaptation to the norms and rules of such a closed and autonomous universe, the movie produces a fascinating and multi-faceted ethonography where the symbolic plays the greatest part. Many strong themes shape its narrative: the substitute Father-Son relationship, the aporetic identity of the Simulation subject, the impossibility of reaching a personal moral position that is strung between opposite demands. Memorable & superlative duet performance by Depp & Al Pacino.